Important Note - In a fit of insanity I drew this so that the pages read in the Japanese fashion of right to left, top to bottom. And unfortunately, as George Lucas proved, if you flip a Padawan it's really noticeable. So when you're reading this, start at the top right corner and work your way to the bottom left corner of the page.DoujinshiSecond Note - I've included FSS info and links down below, but you shouldn't need them. It's just for the curious or those I manage to convert.
Stage One: Joker - Cover
Prose Fic
Bits and Things
The very first rough draft of chapter 1 in prose form
FSS background info and links
The characters, names, ideas, logos and everything else are the property of George Lucas, Lucasfilm, Mamoru Nagano and Toy Press. No infringement is intended - the contents of this site are done by the fans, for the enjoyment of the fans, with no profit. All original artwork is © to the creating artist and should not be used without permission.